How to get from El Calafate to Torres del Paine

How to get from El Calafate to Torres del Paine.
Two of the most visited destinations are El Calafate and Torres del Paine, many people go for the day from one country to another to visit the main attractions of each one.
El Calafate
The city of El Calafate is located in the Patagonia region in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, it is located next to Lake Argentino and is named after the Calafate fruit, a small shrub that delivers a very tasty dark red fruit.
El Calafate is one of the three main cities in the province along with Rio Gallegos (capital city of the province) and Caleta Olivia.
It is located 320 km from the city of Rio Gallegos and 255 km from Torres del Paine National Park, it is located 274 km from the city of Puerto Natales on the Chilean side.
How to get from El Calafate to Torres del Paine
To get from EL Calafate to Torres del Paine it is only possible to do it by land since there are no direct flights that connect both places.
By Bus to Torres del Paine.
There are companies that travel almost every day in high season from the city of El Calafate to Torres del Paine, the average value of the ticket is 16,000 clp (usd 35 usd approx). For this you must go to the bus terminal in El Calafate
The trip lasts about 5 hours depending on the number of people you can find at the Cerro Castillo customs. (Remember to bring all your immigration documentation).
In Regular Tour to Torres del Paine.
From the city of El Calafate there are day tours to Torres del Paine, these tours leave from your place of accommodation from 06:00 am It is a very long tour but it is worth it.
The road, in both cases, along the RN 40 route, is a journey that crosses large expanses of pampa to the Carreras field and then to Cerro Castillo, the border between the two countries.
From this point you still have 1 more hour to get to Laguna Amarga or Porteria Sarmiento, the two main entrances to Torres del Paine.
How to get from El Calafate to Puerto Natales.
The route from both cities is the same as if you were direct to Torres del Paine, but in this case you must take the regular buses (We can help you with the reservation, click ACA).
The trip is 5 hours and you will arrive at the Rodoviario of the city of Puerto Natales, from here a taxi to your Hotel in the urban radius of the city will not cost you more than 2,500 clp, (About 5 usd).